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Duración: 01:55

Categoría: Podcast

Subido por: vcasallo

Reproducido: 2067 veces

Ejercicio de producción y realización de un audio

Etiquetas: audio , dramatización

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 Ranking: 3.3/5.0 (72 votos)
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86BcScDK dijo el 20/12/15:
SDSU is probably the beettr CSU of that list. Really beautiful and good reputation. But also competitive programs.I am currently a student at CSULB and its pretty awesome. Lots of good programs, a huge school (35,000 people) and nationally known. I also rent out here, its not too difficult to find places to live. Only problem might be that there are some impacted majors, so you might have to work a little harder for some programs.My bf went to Chico and it is cool place to meet really down to earth people. They have some cool downtown hangouts and there are a lot of different programs there.CSU Fresno is meh its kinda in the middle of nowhere and is really hot out there in summer. I dont know much else about their programs. But I wouldnt go there unless I knew someone.Hope that helps.