Duración: 01:29
Categoría: Política
Subido por: idehpucp
Reproducido: 2321 veces
Óscar Espinoza, profesor de Antropología en la Pucp especialista en temas amazónicos, reflexiona, en Tiempo Global, sobre los sucesos del "baguazo" a cinco años sin determinar responsables.
Etiquetas: reforma , bagua , chile , baguazo , 5 de junio , mercedes cabanillas. alan garcía , pizando , aidesep , policias muertos , privatización , fines de lucro
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uHdqm4T1U6 dijo el 06/05/16:
No no no 8211; don8217;t you dare give up your cinephile moniker. You8217;ve probably seen lots of movies that I haet182n7;v. For example, I have never seen 8220;Dr. Zhivago8221; and I think I have yet to sit through the entire 1959 version of 8220;Ben Hur8221;.As for James Cagney, I completely agree. I can8217;t think of one bad 8211; or even mediocre 8211; performance he8217;s given. Truly one of the best.
No no no 8211; don8217;t you dare give up your cinephile moniker. You8217;ve probably seen lots of movies that I haet182n7;v. For example, I have never seen 8220;Dr. Zhivago8221; and I think I have yet to sit through the entire 1959 version of 8220;Ben Hur8221;.As for James Cagney, I completely agree. I can8217;t think of one bad 8211; or even mediocre 8211; performance he8217;s given. Truly one of the best.