Duración: 02:09
Categoría: Política
Subido por: idehpucp
Reproducido: 1872 veces
Luis Novais, corresponsal del diario Expresso de Portugal
Etiquetas: grecia , luis novais , euro
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XEu251P2YTW dijo el 27/10/15:
At last! Someone who unsandterds! Thanks for posting! [url=]itqavqc[/url] [link=]mmvvwclj[/link]
At last! Someone who unsandterds! Thanks for posting! [url=]itqavqc[/url] [link=]mmvvwclj[/link]
1Y5wlYc2Sq dijo el 25/10/15:
Oh yeah, we have it. Let me send it to the Committee. After another two weeks, there was no word so he again a href=""coacttned/a the HR recruiter via phone. The recruiter said, Oh, I meant to contact you last week. The Committee said that there was definite applicability of your skills and experience to this position, but they still did not think there was a good fit. The recruiter did not elaborate nor was specific. The position remained posted for another 4 weeks after that. So, what does this tell us about the Company and the HR recruiter? It says that the HR recruiter is a flake who has no consideration for the applicant. It also says that there were hidden requirements that are not in the job posting. So to be fair we also did an experiment where we used the original job posting as the data source for a Natural Language Processor and an Entity Extractor. We then scanned the relevant portions of my colleagues resume that he submitted and used some simple statistical scoring algorithms (in R). [And yes, I am getting really geeky here]. At the end of the day, his resume alone was over a 95 match with the source job posting. And the fellow did not even get an interview with a hiring manager.I have many, many other horror stories from other folks in dealing with HR recruiters and Companies here in Silicon Valley over the last 9 months these stories are getting more and more frequent with the name of well know and in some cases, well respected Companies showing up. So you ask What would be the most helpful to you stories of other job seekers and their experiences; narrower, more focused information to help your your job hunt, or some combination of both? I think a combination of both would be useful.I would also not drink the Kool Aid when it comes to HR recruiters saying that they cannot find good talent in the Silicon Valley they need to do their jobs and start treating folks with respect I sometime wonder if I shouldnt start my own Blog called Tales of the Silicon Valley and write about some of the experiences some of my colleagues have been experiencing But really, thinking about the common thread in many of these stories, it points to HR recruiters who any not doing their jobs. This is a disgrace and a shame for the Companies that they work for and a loss of potentially good and qualified candidates.I hope that helps. I really do think you have an opportunity to do a really good story of true journalistic quality.Thank you,Jim
Oh yeah, we have it. Let me send it to the Committee. After another two weeks, there was no word so he again a href=""coacttned/a the HR recruiter via phone. The recruiter said, Oh, I meant to contact you last week. The Committee said that there was definite applicability of your skills and experience to this position, but they still did not think there was a good fit. The recruiter did not elaborate nor was specific. The position remained posted for another 4 weeks after that. So, what does this tell us about the Company and the HR recruiter? It says that the HR recruiter is a flake who has no consideration for the applicant. It also says that there were hidden requirements that are not in the job posting. So to be fair we also did an experiment where we used the original job posting as the data source for a Natural Language Processor and an Entity Extractor. We then scanned the relevant portions of my colleagues resume that he submitted and used some simple statistical scoring algorithms (in R). [And yes, I am getting really geeky here]. At the end of the day, his resume alone was over a 95 match with the source job posting. And the fellow did not even get an interview with a hiring manager.I have many, many other horror stories from other folks in dealing with HR recruiters and Companies here in Silicon Valley over the last 9 months these stories are getting more and more frequent with the name of well know and in some cases, well respected Companies showing up. So you ask What would be the most helpful to you stories of other job seekers and their experiences; narrower, more focused information to help your your job hunt, or some combination of both? I think a combination of both would be useful.I would also not drink the Kool Aid when it comes to HR recruiters saying that they cannot find good talent in the Silicon Valley they need to do their jobs and start treating folks with respect I sometime wonder if I shouldnt start my own Blog called Tales of the Silicon Valley and write about some of the experiences some of my colleagues have been experiencing But really, thinking about the common thread in many of these stories, it points to HR recruiters who any not doing their jobs. This is a disgrace and a shame for the Companies that they work for and a loss of potentially good and qualified candidates.I hope that helps. I really do think you have an opportunity to do a really good story of true journalistic quality.Thank you,Jim
WU9vLag8e dijo el 25/10/15:
Paulo Sergio dos Santos Junior disse:Este projeto veio de enctnoro com todas as nossas necessidades e curiosidades, nada melhor do esclarecer nossas dfavidas com profissionais altamente qualificados.Parabenizo a Usisafade e seus colaboradores por esta feliz iniciativa em prf3 da Safade.
Paulo Sergio dos Santos Junior disse:Este projeto veio de enctnoro com todas as nossas necessidades e curiosidades, nada melhor do esclarecer nossas dfavidas com profissionais altamente qualificados.Parabenizo a Usisafade e seus colaboradores por esta feliz iniciativa em prf3 da Safade.