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Duración: 02:01

Categoría: Política

Subido por: idehpucp

Reproducido: 1942 veces

Silvia Toledo, directora ejecutiva interina de la sección peruana de Amnistía Internacional.

Etiquetas: amnistía internacional , silvia toledo

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Silvia Toledo: Problema de incremento de conflictos armados y violaciones de DDHH
  • Actualmente 3.38/5
  • LALA
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  • LALA
  • LALA
  • LALA
 Ranking: 3.4/5.0 (26 votos)
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pJBfQ3imEt dijo el 29/10/15:
Escribe tu comentario Puedes usar las sigeiuntes etiquetas HTML: a abbr acronym b blockquote cite code del em i q strike strong Wordpress Hashcash needs javascript to work, but your browser has javascript disabled. Your comment will be deleted! [url=]sqjtkhkkcon[/url] [link=]fxgpuufrm[/link]
KqY8alHr4HFw dijo el 27/10/15:
Oh and by the way I am so happy for this!! I do live in Australia, so I realize it will make no dceefrfnie to me, but when I did come to LA last year, we had to drive for a couple of hours into Calabasas just to see the store- So i know its definitely great for fans visiting from out of California. [url=]jnisas[/url] [link=]nuyuon[/link]
OWxW3X8zP dijo el 25/10/15:
I am so with you. I need to stop tinkering as well. One time I tieenrkd so much that I had to re-install my theme. I was so mad. Although it didnt take as long as I thought it would and luckily I was smart enough to save all the changes I did in a word, I was still mad that I had to do that.Feliciab4s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday