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Ingenio al Aire Piloto 08 mayo 2015
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 Ranking: 3.3/5.0 (29 votos)
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mmeasirSWY69 dijo el 06/05/16:
I like that pirate portrait of yours, it8217;s soo cool. Oh my bad, umm I thought you did because you moved out and got a job as well, heh. Um, yeah please don8217;t stab me to death with color peicnls8230; but if you want to drown me to death in alcohol, please do. :vodka:
y1em1n7M4k dijo el 29/10/15:
Fred, thanks for youra href="" cmnmeot/a. Im especially intrigued by what you say about the advice being lightweight. How can we make it better? Should we get into more detail about narrower areas, either about, say, interviewing or focusing each item on a particular skill? Id love to know more. Sorry Mark, I havent visited this thread in awhile, but was was posted in the interim is fascinating! As far as lightweight goes, we all should know about dressing properly, greeting the interviewer and customizing the resume. But what we need is info about things like, recognizing legitimate ads as opposed to placeholders posted to skirt employment laws, or how to read an ad posted by the technically naive and figuring out what they really want. It must be remembered that we computer geeks chose our occupations deliberately. If we wanted to be salesmen and women, we woulnt be here. So, advice geared towards brash, clueless and extroverted people wouldnt work here.I Write Code posted this: OTOH, if you wrote about the real situation, employers would hate you and not list. We understand that. So, thanks for asking, but you really dont want to know, do you? I think this applies to my suggestions given above. You probably dont have any choice but to give lightweight advice. Its OK, but we understand more than employers and the financial elite think. When employed, we prefer to spend our time figuring out the systems we work on and play with at home. But when not working, we have lots of time to examine society and the groups and castes that make it up. The social goodwill is eroding rapidly. The recent political news gives plenty of examples. Those who are in charge now might feel that the military and police offer enough protection for the exclusive gated communities from torch and pitchfork wielding mobs. But they have no chance against mobs acting through the Internet.
dalkuya6 dijo el 27/10/15:
i liked Self Matters by Dr. Phil.It helps you realize the motmnes in your life that caused you to think bad about urself, and give you techniques to think good about yourself. [url=]sgidzqpmo[/url] [link=]xhxyifzh[/link]
4pUwvGq61 dijo el 25/10/15:
What a lovelya href="" giaveway/a, Maria! Lindsays bracelets are really beautiful! There are sooo manya href="" giaveway/as going on right now... LOVE it! :)) Thanks for the heads up about her etsy shop and her blog. I just became a follower of hers. Ill have to check out her blog more thoroughly when I have a little bit more time to leave a comment, too (its getting late). :)Have a great night!Hugs ~ Jo
DNWJ4ulWH5V dijo el 25/10/15:
Her jewelry is buautifel, I love the single wrap bracelet and the whimsy toggle bracelet. And I wish I still had a little one so that I could put bows in her hair!Thanks for the chance to win!Kat :)