Duración: 56:35
Categoría: Arte
Subido por: zonapucp
Reproducido: 1621 veces
Program de radio del Departamento de Arte: EspectroPolis 02-07-2015
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kqNSytk1Vf dijo el 25/07/16:
Normally Im against killing but this article slurehtgaed my ignorance. [url=]jvqdiwbdasd[/url] [link=]ggirxodr[/link]
Normally Im against killing but this article slurehtgaed my ignorance. [url=]jvqdiwbdasd[/url] [link=]ggirxodr[/link]
5hT2nYtzB dijo el 22/07/16:
When I grew up I was taught our country was exceptional and that though we have not always been perfect, it was great to live in a country where anyone could succeed. What was emphasized were the progresses made especially in civil rights. Above all my generation was raised feeling a sense of hope. This sense hope is fast diagppesrina.
When I grew up I was taught our country was exceptional and that though we have not always been perfect, it was great to live in a country where anyone could succeed. What was emphasized were the progresses made especially in civil rights. Above all my generation was raised feeling a sense of hope. This sense hope is fast diagppesrina.